Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Dallas Strength & Conditioning

Well, I felt right at home here.  This is a strength gym. This is a place where you won’t find any treadmills or ellipticals. This is a place where you learn how to move weight around. This is a place where you go to learn just how strong you can actually be, both mentally and physically.  This is a place where you go to make friends who also want to better themselves through the hardship that is known as strength training.  This is a place that offers more than just barbells, you have prowlers and sandbags and all other kinds of toys to play with.  I feel that once I get my body recovered from a couple joint sprains and muscle tears, I can see myself becoming a member here.

The Layout

This place is simply an open room with racks and weights and platforms.  There was a PA blasting Nirvana and fans blowing the air around.  This place was clean and fresh, the owner takes good care of the facilities. It’s a simple layout, because with this place it’s what you do in the space, not what the space does to you.

The Experience

They have at least two different teams here: a powerlifting team and a weightlifting team.  I could have sworn they also had a strongman program (I believe they have atlas stones) but upon looking at their website that doesn’t seem to exist. They also have kettlebells, fitness, and a strength and conditioning programs.   I attended the powerlifting program, as my body isn’t ready yet for work on explosive strength. The day me and my friend attended happened to be bench day.

The owner/coach Chris is a beefy, likable dude.  He was able to help out me and a friend of mine with our bench press technique. …Barbell lifts really are technique intense, and it’s amazing how much better you feel when you lift with correct form.  I can only imagine how much Chris could help me with my deadlift.  The template seemed to kind of follow Wendler’s 5/3/1 program a bit, and I mean that in a good way. I could sense a purpose with everything, and that this day was part of a master plan, not some random thrown together workout designed to make you puke.  I wish all gyms were like this.


This place lets your try out one class for free. Fair warning: you will feel like crap for not signing up and coming back.

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