Tuesday, April 14, 2015


I went in to youfit thinking that I would hate it. I thought it would be a planet fitness wannabe. I figured they would just have machines and no barbells. It turns out I was pretty much wrong on all accounts.  I actually liked it quite a bit. Sure there is a strong, strong emphasis on machines and cardio, but there were actually two squat racks.  TWO SQUAT RACKS!??!!?!  This place actually caters to “Lunks” like me.  However, it definitely feels corporate with their bright lime green and purple paint.  I guess they figure bright colors makes the gym less intimidating, but it feels more like a ChuckECheese in all the wrong ways. The gym is a place to struggle, to make yourself better. It’s not a kid’s 9th birthday party.  And the colors are everywhere, on the machines, on the racks, everywhere. It’s like two huge paint cans just threw up everywhere.  It’s a big space, and it’s not crowded, especially because it’s new. 


Lots of new machines, both cardio and weight machines. They have the dumbells and barbells off to the side, near the mirrors.  They also have a set up for some circuit training.  They have a bunch of different exercises all in a little area, and it’s overlooked by this traffic light looking thing.  When the light is green you perform the exercise at the station you’re currently at. When its red you move on and wait for the light to turn back to green.  Everything is new and clean, I saw a couple of staffers cleaning various areas so this place takes pride in its cleanliness.

They have some rooms for group classes. I didn't get to attend any so I can't say anything as to the quality of the classes.

Locker rooms 

So I went in to the men’s room, changed, put my bag into a locker, took some pictures (as you can see here), and then went to workout.  Wanting to change out of my squatting shoes, I approached the locker rooms and suddenly stopped.

Wasn’t the men’s room on the left side?

Why is it now on the right side???
The ladies locker room...

…I had accidentally gone into the wrong locker room.  I had changed and taken pictures of the facilities in there. I took a picture of the showers for God’s sake!!!! I can only imagine how awful that would have been if there was a woman in there or if someone came in while I was changing.  So I had to walk over to the staff and sheepishly ask for the girl to go and retrieve my gym bag.  Pretty funny.

But seriously, with this being a new facility the locker rooms are pretty nice, the showers and everything is very clean. Thankfully the color scheme doesn’t follow into the locker room, everything stems from a nice neutral color palette.


Very easy, just walk in and ask for your trial workout. It’s only one workout, and the sales is minimal pressure. They will want to go over prices with you, but by no means do they try to pressure you into joining.

Days in: 185
Amount spent: $10

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