Friday, December 26, 2014

Texins Activity Center

So this place really hits the nostalgia button for me.  My father worked for Texas Instruments, so during the summer in college I would workout here. It was here that I had my first experience with a personal trainer and really started to love lifting (Didn't hurt that I had a big crush on my trainer, Cissy). My first job ever was working the juice bar here. I also worked at TI for a while so I again worked out here and participated in some of the inter-mural programs with coworkers.

Not a whole lot has changed since I last worked out here, back in the early naughts.  Where there were once CRTs (Where I saw episodes of the first season of Survivor) there are now flat screens. This place is nerdy.  TI has a lot of engineers, so that’s who works out here.  Also, because I work out in the 9:30-11:00 time slot I work out with all the retirees.  So I get to run into friends of my dad while working out.  This is not the easiest gym to get to since it's on TI's campus, though it is kind of cool that I have to go through a security check point to get to the gym.


This place is very large, and they live up to the name of activity center.  They have various group exercise rooms, a basketball court, indoor track, outdoor track, indoor pool, soccer field, sand volleyball courts, ping pong table, etc.  About ten years ago I got my dad hooked on mat Pilates classes, and though he’s retired he still goes to classes. I like to think that’s one reason why though he’s 74 he is still very active and has good mobility.  Anyways, they have something for everyone here. It's kind of like a college gym with the programs, but populated by older people.

Group classes

They have tons to offer here. I think I tried out a karate class here once (was not impressed, but that could be because I was spoiled by going to an awesome Kung Fu/Tai Chi place first). I also did some yoga/pilates classes with my sister and dad back in the day and remember them being good.  I've also seen swimming classes, so there is tons to do here.

Locker rooms

These are the exact same as they were back in 1999. At least for the men, this is not for the modest.  The showers are community, and you will have lots of old naked guys walking around.  They have a hot tub, and although lots of blow dryers they don't really offer any products. So you have to bring everything yourself.  Personally that's fine with me because, with the exception of Telos, I have yet to see a gym that offers everything including aftershave.  If you're going to have to bring something, might as well bring everything.


This place is amazing with it’s free trial system.  First, they use a punch card for seven days. That means they trial period isn't for a week, it's for seven WORKOUTS. if you lift three times a week like me, that means you'll get over two weeks free. It's pretty awesome. The punch card does expire after like 30 days, but that is more than enough time to get your workout on.

Days in: 141
Amount spent: $0

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