Friday, December 26, 2014

Taking a Short Break

So I have had some medical procedures done to my shoulder and back last week, and the Doctor's orders are for me to take a month off of any real exercise.  I'm going to oblige and put this gym surfing on hold for now.  I will stop the clock and resume it when I get back into the gym. So, for example, if my next trial is a week I will just add those seven days to the 141 days I have so far been working out without paying.

I'm kind of glad I'll be missing out on the new year's resolution rush, but I also wonder what it would be like. I imagine getting tours from flat-eyed sales associates who've said the same thing 80 times for that day alone.

I also think I'm going to post an awards list of some sorts. This will be based just on my opinion and just me having some fun.  People keep asking me which one my favorite is, but it's like asking which one is your favorite child. They are all special snowflakes.  I think I'll post it with the end of the 2014 year.

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