Saturday, September 20, 2014

Uptown Energy Fitness

So I decided to check out Uptown Energy, and it was… interesting.  Before I started this little adventure, I used to think a gym’s ambiance didn’t matter. I mean, the weight stills weigh the same right? But I think, as I tour all the gyms in Dallas, I’m starting to get picky.  Perhaps I’ve been spoiled by the likes of Equinox and Lifetime Athletic. But I’ve started to understand how a gym’s ambiance can affect my mood, and thus affect my workout.

Uptown Energy’s feel is kind of like the Mockingbird location of Trophy fitness, but larger.  It kind of feels a little dark, like you’re working out in your mom’s basement.  They have really cool art on the walls, mostly provided by members who workout there.  I was told noon was when the meatheads come out, and I saw some guys who take it seriously there. Though no one was as big as the dudes at Gold’s or LA Fitness


Notice the art on the walls.
The guy said they all have the latest equipment, but if their rowing erg is any indication they have really old equipment. When I warmed up on the rower it felt practically medieval, with the chain clanking and it just felt… rough.  They only have one squat rack (booo) and they didn’t have bumper plates, though when I brought it up the guy said they were getting some.  The bench racks were also not the best. They are the kind that rest the bar way over your head so when you lift off your arms are in a vulnerable and awkward position.  The racks also, and I cannot overstate how much this annoys me, only have three pegs on each side

for holding weights. That means you have only three pegs for holding 5, 10, 25, 35, and 45 pound plates.  All the juggling of the plates turned out to be a workout in of itself.  The dumb bells go up to 150#, so that is really nice.

Group Classes

Very serviceable locker room. 
I was really interested in a 30 minute class the website listed as “dynamic stretching”.  Sprinting twice a week while lifting three times a week is starting to wear me down some, so I’m really interested in the regenerative/relaxing classes. Unfortunately, this was not the case. When I showed up it was explained to me that the stretching is actually just a 15 minute portion of a boot camp class.  Since I was sprinting later that day I really didn’t want to do a boot camp class. The instructor tried to get me to join, but I was a little pissed and yeah, felt like going home.

So it seems all their classes are the high intensity stuff.  It’s not my cup of tea, but if you’re into that kind of thing then they have that option here.

Locker rooms

Real basic, but they had nice shower stalls.  Nothing really else was noteworthy, everything was clean.  I liked the TVs, that was a nice touch.


They were prepared to give me a free tour and a free workout, but then I busted out with the 3day trial pass and they seemed a little disappointed that they had to give me more free workouts.  They let me go workout and when I was finished they then talked to me about membership. I hesitated because they didn’t have bumper plates and a platform, and they told me they were working on it. It was kind of funny because the saleslady had no idea what Olympic weightlifting is and kept calling it super power lifting and other funny names.  They weren’t as friendly as some, kind of felt a bit of pressure to buy, but that also could have simply been their eagerness to have another member. I guess you could say I smelled a bit of desperation in the air.

Days in: 52
Amount paid: $0

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