Friday, August 8, 2014

Trophy Fitness - Addison and Mockingbird

In keeping with the local chains, I just finished a week working out at Trophy Fitness. I went to two different locations, the new one in Addison and the one off of Mockingbird underneath the Phoenix Midtown apartments.  This was a nice, 7 day pass.

Addison Location

This is a new facility and is very nice. It's smaller, but it seems to handle the amount of traffic nicely.

Lots of machines. Two Barbells.
You will see lots of group activities going on around the gym.  For example, it seems like there's a lunch bunch of dudes that lift together with a trainer. There's also a group of women doing a bootcamp-type workout on the first floor right before the stairs.

They seem to have everything here, if not a lot of it.  They have all kinds of kettlebells, ropes, balls, grips, and other equipment I can't even think of.  They have a nice rooftop basketball court, although I only saw like two guys use it because it's outdoors and it's summer in Dallas.

However, there are only two barbells in the gym.  I'll let you think about that.  Two.  So If some one is doing bench and some one else is doing curls in the squat rack, you're screwed.  I never had any real issue thankfully, I would just do something else for a couple sets and then it would free up. But still, it was always a concern in the back of my mind driving to the gym if I was going to be able to lift that day.

Very nice shower stalls.
I was working on my overhead press and I had a TRAINER tell me he'd never seen anyone press the bar behind them like I did.  I then demonstrated and explained how I'm not really pushing the bar back, but pushing my head through.  It scares me to think that there are trainers with certificates who don't know of the proper mechanics of a strict overhead press. It is a complicated movement don't get me wrong, but it is also a staple in lifting. At least, in my mind it should it is a staple.

I was really impressed with open airiness of the gym. Most of it is on the second floor, and it has lots of natural light.  The lockers/showers were really nice.  Actually I really liked the shower stalls, top notch.  They also have a group fitness room on the first floor, but I didn't get to check it out.

Mockingbird Location

This photo makes the place
look a lot brighter than in real life
This place is definitely a smaller location than the Addison, much more bare bones.  It is tucked under an apartment complex, and when you walk in it feels a lot more like a basement.  For example, there's exposed pipes in the ceiling, and it's more plumping than ductwork.  For example, a trainer pointed out to me that while I was doing overhead press, the pipe overhead I was nudging with the barbell was a sewer pipe, so I should probably stop doing that. I promptly stopped. 

This location also doesn't have the group energy feel of the addison location.  Although there's a lot of one-on-one training going on here, I didn't see a single group working out together.  This place has a group exercise room separate from the weights/cardio room. As in, I have to go outside to go from one room to the other.  There are only two group classes a week here, so if you're into yoga and stuff this location might not be for you. Again, there are only two barbells, but there is pretty much every machine you need in the gym.

There is one thing that bothers me about the place, and that's the fact that the weight plates are always out of order.  They only have one guy working the whole gym, and he's working the desk as well. They keep the place clean I see him wipe down everything, they just don't make sure all the 5#s are on the 5# rack.

It was pointed out to me that the woman working out over in the corner with a trainer was a famous Dallas Star's wife, and another NFL legend's wife also works out here with the same trainer. Very impressive credentials.

There's one hippie trainer here. You know, that guy with long hair that wears vibrams? Yeah him.  He works here, and as expected his focus is more on mobility and balance, which I think is cool. We could all use some more mobility.

Nice Shower Stalls
This location is next to a spa, so members have access to a eucalyptus steam room. It's pretty cool, but steam rooms aren't my thing. The showers/locker room is small and but has nice products. The shower is very nicely tiled and they have the typical products for you to use.

If you're into saunas then come here with some sandals packed, and after your workout you can hang out at Pure's sauna.

Honestly, I really like this chain. I personally don't want a lot of fancy stuff. I just want to go in, get my lift on, and get out.  I also liked the friendly staff, these guys recognize the value in customer service and I was treated really, really well by both location managers (who also happen to work the reception desk).  These guys are really friendly and I get the genuine impression they care and would try to do anything to help you out.  Because of the customer service and the locations, I may join this one when I'm done with my, uh, adventure.

Total days: 10
Amount paid: $0

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