Thursday, August 27, 2015

Texas Gym

They also have punching bags, but
you have to look for them in
what was probably a closet
Do you like to workout without a shirt? Do you like your gym to have carpet underneath all the rubber mats? Do you like hunting around for plates because no one gives a shit about putting them back? Then Texas Gym is the place for you!  Some friends of mine came here to deadlift heavy and they described it as like a prison yard.  I thought I should check this place out and I was not disappointed.  It’s in a strip mall and this gym takes up the space of one storefront. Meaning, it’s about 25’ wide.  Walking in, me and my friend were greeted by a lady who gave us a “WTF do you want” gaze. We explained we wanted a visitors pass (that’s not really the right name, it’s more like a cover charge to get into the gym), paid our $5, and were then welcomed to the gym.  There was no tour, no paperwork to fill out. Just go in and get your lift on.  This place doesn’t have any cardio machines, just cable cages, weight racks, and barbells.  I don’t recall a PA system, so bring your own music if that’s what you need.

There were only a few guys lifting here, some without shirts showing off their tats.  The place reminded my friend of a high school gym, in a good way.  This place doesn’t give a shit about impressing you or making you feel less intimidated. This place is about embracing the pain you have to suffer under the iron in order to get stronger.  I can tell that when this place gets bumpin’ you will have to wait because there’s only one squat rack and only one barbell equipped with bumper plates.

I actually really liked this place. It’s no-nonsense and allows someone visiting to get in, lift, and get out.  No pressure sales, no tours. You’re a big boy, you can figure out how to work a squat rack.  I might actually come back here when friends come to visit.

Locker rooms
None. But they do have a restroom and water fountain.

None. Pay the $5, or get a drink, or get out.

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